yay 16 Absurdities blah
foo 16 329 Keenan blah
foo 16 Car House blah
foo 16 Fort Awsome blah
foo 16 Lust For Glory blah
foo 16 Nano Advisor blah
foo 16 Quantum Mime blah
foo 16 Sprite Ceiling blah
foo 16 The Ballpit blah
foo 16 The Hole blah
foo 16 The Magnetization of Random Things blah
foo 16 The Pants blah
foo blah
yay 16 Me blah
foo blah
yay 16 My Blog blah
foo blah
yay 16 People Pics blah
foo blah
yay 16 Pics blah
foo blah
yay 16 Research blah
foo blah
yay 16 Risk Simulator blah
foo blah
yay 16 Things that arent yellow blah
foo blah
yay 16 Trichelle blah
foo blah

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At the end of June, 2003, I became voluntarily homeless!

The story is long, and I have many reasons for doing this. But, here's a brief summary. About a year prior, Pete and I began discussing the possibility of being homeless. After brainstorming many ways to do it and how to become accustomed to the lifestyle, it began to seem doable.

I had a good deal living at Chateau Rink, so I spent the next year there, researching the homeless idea the whole time. When it was time to move out of Chateau Rink, I implemented my plan, and, for a while now, it's been going exceptionally smooth.

I actually live at UCSB, in my office and in the labs. I sleep at the infamous Down and Out House, right across from the In and Out off of Turnpike. The inhabitants there, Troy, Jessie, Nate, and Chuck, have been very hospitable, allowing me to park in their field, nestled under a fantabulous tree.

I think it's a pretty safe lifestyle. No strangers have broken into my car or anything. The only bad things so far are trying to explain to people why I'm doing this and the stupid birds at Siddharth's house that peck on my roof when I stay there. Otherwise, my life is remarkably unchanged, reflecting the fact that I simply spent too much time at UCSB before this change in lifestyle.

If you want to understand my motives for doing this, or if you're considering taking the homeless plunge, please email me -- I think it's a fascinating subject.

We don't need no stinkin' houses!